Hotel Monopol***** Wroclaw - Marmor Glanz


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Nasz pracownik, specjalista od renowacji i konserwacji kamienia naturalnego za chwilę się odezwie.

    *zgoda wymagana

    Hotel Monopol***** Wrocław

    While carrying out works in the five-star Monopol Hotel in Wrocław (cleaning of marble surfaces in bathrooms), we used deep steam penetration methods and sealing agents to protect natural stone against the action of hard water and accumulation of residue. Our goals were clean, residue-free marble and restored, luxurious appearance of the black surface. We took care to protect our workplace to be able to return the bathrooms perfectly clean and ready for use. Thanks to the use of the MGB Lotus L2/L4 nanotechnology as well as professionalism and experience of our team, this project was another success.

    Monopol is a legendary Wrocław hotel from 1892, built in the Neo-Baroque style. In 1937, a portico with a balcony was added to it, on which twenty years later sang the famous Polish singer aHere, a specialist team from Marmor - Glanz was tasked with removing and cleaning residue from marble floors and walls of shower cabins as well effective stone sealing. Black stone became dirty as a result of prolonged exposure to hard water from the municipal water supply. Our team carried out the cleaning operation, restoring the marble to its former glory, and provided sealing and anti-slip treatments (using MGB Lotus L2/L4 preparations). The operation was carried out efficiently, professionally, and keeping the area around the workplace clean.

    W tym miejscu, do zadań ekipy specjalistów z Marmor Glanz należało: usunięcie i oczyszczenie z osadu marmurowej posadzki i ścian kabin prysznicowych oraz skuteczna impregnacja. Czarny kamień uległ zabrudzeniu wskutek długotrwałego działania twardej, wrocławskiej wody. Wykonaliśmy oczyszczanie przywracając dawną świetność marmurowi i dokonaliśmy impregnacji wraz z antypoślizgiem (wykorzystywanie preparatów MGB Lotus L2/L4). Pracowaliśmy sprawnie, profesjonalnie i z zachowaniem czystości wokół wykonywanych prac.

    The Monopol Hotel is an example of combining knowledge and experience of the Marmor - Glanz team with the latest chemical technology in the field of natural stone care.

    ZIf you are interested in our services, please contact our office.

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